Career Builder: A Tool for Stay-At-Home Moms To Reenter the Work Force

One of the biggest challenges for many a stay-at-home-mom?  It’s not the day to day work it takes to raise a family, it’s not the constant car pools, cooking, and cleaning, it’s making that big transition from SAHM to working woman.
Now, first it should be pointed out that being a mom is pretty much the hardest job out there. But when starting to try to rejoin the ‘work force’ after taking years off to attend to their family, it can be a very intimidating process for many a woman, one that seems incredibly foreign from diaper changes, story time and making lunches.  But there are places out there to help. One that many utilize is Career Builder, a online job search company that has special resources just for working moms.
Career Builder has a couple attractive options for those wanting to get back in the swing of things. There is a special section for part-time workers which is often a great solution for moms wanting to ease back into the work force. Plus many can be done when the kids are at school, so it won’t take much away from your family life.  And even better? They have a section for work-at-home jobs.
They also have an informative articles about advice for working moms including a list of the most family friendly companies such as Ernst & Young and HSBC.  You may not find your dream job on Career Builder and maybe you’ll find it on Craigslist or Monster, but knowing there is work out there…well that’s pretty encouraging, even if you’re not ready to leave the nest just yet.
Are you looking to reenter the workplace? Are you planning to use an online job search company?

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